Christopher J. Coyne

 Books and Monographs

1. Authored Books & Monographs

How to Run Wars: A Confidential Playbook for the National Security Elite, Oakland, CA: The Independent Institute, 2024, 200pp. (with A. Hall)

The Political Economy of Terrorism, Counterterrorism, and the War on Terror, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press (Elements in Austrian Economics), 2023, 76pp. (with A. Bradley and A. Hall)

In Search of Monsters to Destroy: The Folly of American Empire and the Paths to Peace, Oakland, CA: The Independent Institute, 2022, 243pp.

Manufacturing Militarism: U.S. Government Propaganda in the War on Terror, California: Stanford University Press, 2021, 264pp. (with A. Hall)

The Economics of Conflict and Peace: History and Applications, New York: Cambridge University Press (Elements in Defence Economics), 2020, 82pp. (with S Silwal, C. Anderton, J. Brauer and J.P. Dunne)

Defense, Peace, and War Economics, New York: Cambridge University Press (Elements in Austrian Economics), 2020, 86pp.

The Essential Austrian Economics, Vancouver, Fraser Institute, 2020, 74pp.  (with P. Boettke)

Tyranny Comes Home: The Domestic Fate of U.S. Militarism, California: Stanford University Press, 2018, 280pp. (with A. Hall)  

Doing Bad by Doing Good: Why Humanitarian Action Fails, California: Stanford University Press, 2013, 258pp.  

Context Matters: Entrepreneurship and InstitutionsFoundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship Monograph Series, 2009, 92pp. (with P. Boettke)

Media, Development and Institutional Change, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009, 192pp. (with P. Leeson)

After War: The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy, California: Stanford University Press, 2008, 238pp.


2. Edited Books

Knowledge and Entrepreneurship in Public Policy, 2023, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 290pp., Introduction + 11 chapters (co-edited with A. Hall and E. Norcross)

Is Social Justice Just? 2023, Oakland, CA: Independent Institute, 348pp., Introduction + 19 chapters (co-edited with R. Whaples and M. Munger)

Market Process and Market Order: From Human Action, But Not of Human Design, 2022, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 300pp., Introduction + 10 chapters (co-edited with R. Candela and K. Collins)

In All Fairness: Equality, Liberty, and the Quest for Human Dignity, 2019, Oakland, CA: Independent Institute, 336pp., Introduction + 17 chapters + Conclusion (co-edited with R. Whaples and M. Munger)

Interdisciplinary Studies of the Political Order: New Applications of Public Choice Theory, 2019, New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield International, 292pp., Introduction + 9 chapters (co-edited with Donald Boudreaux and Bobbi Herzberg)

Exploring the Political Economy & Social Philosophy of James M. Buchanan, 2018, New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield International, 246pp., Introduction + 11 original chapters. (co-edited with Paul Dragos Aligica and Stefanie Haeffele)

Interdisciplinary Studies of the Market Order: New Applications of Market Process Theory, 2017, New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield International, 302pp., Introduction + 11 original chapters (co-edited with Peter Boettke and Virgil Storr)

Future: Economic Peril or Prosperity?, 2016, Oakland, CA: Independent Institute, 160pp., 17 chapters (co-edited with R. Whaples and M. Munger)

Oxford Handbook on Austrian Economics, 2015, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 832pp., 34 original chapters (co-edited with P. Boettke)

Flaws and Ceilings: Price Controls and the Damage They Cause, 2015, London, UK: Institute for Economic Affairs, 197pp., 10 original chapters (co-edited R. Coyne)

The Handbook on the Political Economy of War, 2011, Cheltenham, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 704pp., 27 original chapters (co-edited R. Mathers)

 Journal Articles

The Samaritan Bureaucracy in International Transfers,” Public Choice, forthcoming. (with A. Hall and Y. Alshamy)

The Black Mouth Society and Governance on the Great Plains,” Journal of Institutional Economics, forthcoming. (with J. Lofthouse)

The Political Economy of Military Base Redevelopment,” Eastern Economic Journal, forthcoming. (with C. Reilly)

Surveillance Capitalism & The Surveillance State: A Comparative Institutional Analysis,” Constitutional Political Economy, forthcoming. (with Y. Alshamy, A. Hall, and M. Owens)

Polycentric Defense, Ukraine Style: Explaining Ukrainian Resilience Against Invasion,” Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, forthcoming. (with Y. Alshamy, N. Goodman, and G. Wood)

Murray Rothbard on War and Foreign Policy,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2024, 28(4): 591-600. (with Y. Yatsyshina)

A Historical Survey of Classical Liberals on War and Imperialism: Part 2. Non-British Classical Liberals,” History of Economic Ideas, 2024, 31(2): 15-85 . (with M. Owens)

A Historical Survey of Classical Liberals on War and Imperialism: Part 1. British Classical Liberals,” History of Economic Ideas, 2023, 31(1): 87-168. (with M. Owens)

A Conflict of Peace Visions: The Peacemonger Mentality vs. the Warmonger Mentality,” Journal of Private Enterprise, 2023, 38(3): 1-24. (with A. Crockett)

Peace as an Educational Process: An Economic Perspective,” Educatio Catholica, 2023, 9(1-2): 57-72. (with V. Storr)

Kenneth Boulding: Knowledge, Conflict, and Power,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2023, 28(2): 237-246. (with Y. Alshamy)​

Entrepreneurial Pathways to Peacemaking,” Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 2023, 29(2): 97-127. (with M. Romero and V. Storr)

The Market Process as Nonviolent Action,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 28(1): 11-28. (with Y. Alshamy, J. Ammons, and N. Goodman)

New Thinking in Austrian Economics,” Annual Review of Economics, forthcoming. (with P. Boettke) 

Noxious Government Markets: Evidence From the International Arms Trade” Journal of Economics Behavior and Organization, forthcoming. (with Y. Alshamy and N. Goodman)

The Folly of Empire and the Science of Peace,” Journal of Private Enterprise, 2023, 38(2): 1-16.

A Behavioral Approach to the Rational Choice Analysis of the Limits of State Action,” Journal of European Public Policy, 2022, 29(12): 1970-1981. (with P. Boettke) 

The Market as a Space for Building a Peaceful Society,” Peace Review, 2022, 34(3): 333-342. (with M. Romero and V. Storr)

The Economic Logic Behind the Ultimate Resource,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2022, 35(3): 303-314. (with P. Boettke)

Dr. Mengele, USA Style: Lessons from Human Rights Abuses in Post-World War II America,” Cosmos+Taxis, 2022, 10(9+10): 113-126. (with A. Hall)

U.S. Border Militarization and Foreign Policy: A Symbiotic Relationship,” The Economics of Peace & Security Journal, 2022, 17(1): 5-16. (with N. Goodman)

The Fatal Conceit of Foreign Intervention: Evidence from the Afghanistan Papers,” Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 2021, 27(3): 285-310. (with K. Lambert and N. Goodman)

Police State, U.S.A.,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 26(2): 189-204. (with Y. Yatsyshina)

Perverse Consequences of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems,” Peace Review, 2021, 33(2): 190-198. (with Y. Alshamy)

Infectious Diseases and Government Growth,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 25(4): 537-550. (with N. Goodman and A. Devereaux)

The Political Economy of State Responses to Infectious Disease,” Southern Economic Journal, 2021, 87(4): 1119-1137. (with T. Duncan and A. Hall)

Pandemic Police States,” Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 2020, 26(3): 1-8. (with Y. Yatsyshina)

The Political Economy of the Virtual Wall,” Peace Review, 2020, 32(2): 172-180. (with N. Goodman)

Polycentric Defense,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2020, 25(2): 279-292. (with N. Goodman)

Sounding the Alarm: The Political Economy of Whistleblowing in the U.S. Security State,” Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 2019, 25(1): 1-11. (with A. Hall and N. Goodman)

Cronyism: Necessary for the Minimal, Protective State,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2019, 23(3): 399-410. (with A. Hall)

State-Provided Defense as Non-comprehensive Planning,” Journal of Private Enterprise, 2019, 34(1): 75-85. (with A. Hall)

“Visions of Entrepreneurship Policy,” Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 2018, 7(4): 336-356 . (with D. Lucas, C. Fuller, and E. Piano)

War and Human Rights Abuses in the United States,” Peace Review, 2018, 30(2): 184-191. (with A. Hall)

The Drone Paradox: Fighting Terrorism with Mechanized Terror,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 23(1): 51-67. (with A. Hall)

Gene Sharp: The ‘Clausewitz of Nonviolent Warfare’,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 23(1): 149-156. (with J. Ammons)

Overlooked Costs of War-Related Public Research,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 22(3): 429-434. (with B. Bills)

The History of a Tradition: Austrian Economics from 1871 to 2016,” Research in the History of  Economic Thought and Methodology, 2016, 34A: 199-243. (with P. Boettke and P. Newman)

Economists Have No Defense: A Critical Review of National Defense in Economics Textbooks,” Journal of Private Enterprise, 2016, 31(4): 65-83. (with D. Lucas)

Empire State of Mind: The Illiberal Foundations of Liberal Hegemony,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 21(2): 237-250. (with A. Hall)

Unproductive Entrepreneurship in U.S. Military Contracting,” Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 2016, 5(2): 221-239. (with C. Michaluk and R. Reese)

Foreign Intervention, Police Militarization, and the Impact on Minority Groups,” Peace Review, 2016, 28: 165-170. (with A. Hall)

“Market-Provided National Defense: Reply to Newhard,” Journal of Private Enterprise, 2016, 31(2): 83-86. (with T. Duncan and P. Leeson)

The War in Drugs in Afghanistan: Another Failed Experiment with Interdiction,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2016, 21(1): 95-119. (with A. Hall and S. Burns)

Lobotomizing the Defense Brain,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2015, 28(4): 371-396.

The Revolving Door and the Entrenchment of the Permanent War Economy,” Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 2015, 21(3): 391-413. (with T. Duncan)

Foreign Aid and the Culture of Contracting,” Eastern Economic Journal, 2015, 41: 102-125. (with C. Williamson)

The Political Economy of State-Provided Targeted Benefits,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2015, 28(3): 337-356. (with L. Moberg)

Perfecting Tyranny: Foreign Intervention as Experimentation in State Control,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2014, 19(2): 165-189. (with A. Hall)

A Hidden Cost of War: The Impact of Mobilizing Reserve Troops on Emergency Response Times,” Public Choice, 2014, 161(3): 289-303. (with A. Hall, P. McLaughlin, and A. Zerkle)

A Note on the Market Provision of National Defense,” Journal of Private Enterprise, 2014, 27(4): 359-385. (with T. Duncan and P. Leeson)

The Empire Strikes Back: Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, and the Robust Political Economy of Empire,” The Review of Austrian Economics, forthcoming (with A. Hall)

The Case Against a U.S.-arms Monopoly,” Atlantic Economic Journal, 2014, 42(2): 181-190. (with A. Hall)

The Political Economy of Drones,” Defence and Peace Economics, 2014, 25(5): 445-460. (with A. Hall)

Earw(h)ig: I Can’t Hear You Because Your Ideas are Old,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2014, 38(3): 531-544. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson)

The Identity Economics of Female Genital Mutilation,” Journal of Developing Areas, 2014, 48(2): 137-152. (with R. Coyne)

Further Reflections on Humanitarian Action,” Studies in Emergent Order, 2014, Volume 7: 170-183.

Symposium on James M. Buchanan and Classical Liberalism: Introduction,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2014, 18(3): 325-330.

Institutional Bottlenecks: What Can be Done?,” Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations, 2013, 5: 41-60. (with A. Hall)

The Political Economy of Human Rights Scandals,” Homo Oeconomicus, 2013, 30(4): 101-126. (with R. Coyne)

The Origins of the Permanent War Economy,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2013, 18(2): 219-240. (with T. Duncan)

The Overlooked Costs of the Permanent War Economy: A Market Process Approach,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2013, 26(4): 413-431. (with T. Duncan)

The Political Economy of the Reconstruction Era's Race Riots,” Public Choice, 2013 157(1): 57-71. (with A. Carden)

Comparative Historical Political Economy,” Journal of Institutional Economics, 2013, 9(3): 285-301. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson)

Anarchy, Philanthropy, and the Provision of Public Goods in a Free Society,” Spanda Journal, 2013, 4(1): 25-36, (with A. Hall)

Keep Off the Grass: The Economics of Prohibition and U.S. Drug Policy,” Oregon Law Review, 2013, 91(4): 1069-1096, (with P. Boettke and A. Hall)

The Militarization of U.S. Domestic Policing,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2013, 17(4): 485-504, (with A. Hall)

Sassywood,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 2012, 40(4): 608-620. (with P. Leeson)

Wisdom, Alterability, and Social Rules,” Managerial and Decision Economics, 2012, 33(5-6): 441-451, (with P. Leeson)

Lessons from The Cultural and Political Economy of Recovery,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2012, 71(1): 215-228. (with J. Lemke)

The Art of Seeing Like a State: State Building in Afghanistan, the Congo, and Beyond,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2012, 25(1): 35-52. (with A. Pellillo)

“Trade Openness and Cultural Creative Destruction,” Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 2012, 1(1). (with C. Williamson)

Quasimarket Failure,” Public Choice, 2011, 149(1-2): 209-224. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson)

An Austrian Inquiry Into the Wealth of Nations,” Journal of Economics and Finance Education, 2011, 10(2): 54-69. (with P. Leeson)

Cointegrating Institutions:  The Time-Series Properties of Country Institutional Measures,” Journal of Law and Economics, 2011, 54(1): 111-134 (with R. Sobel)

Economic Reconstruction Amidst Conflict: Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq,” Defence and Peace Economics, 2011, 22(6): 627-643. (with A. Pellillo)

Constitutions and Crisis,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2011, 80(2): 351-357.

Polycentricity in Disaster Relief,” Studies in Emergent Orders, 2011, 3: 45-57. (with J. Lemke)

War and Liberty: Wisdom From Leonard E. Read and F. A. “Baldy” Harper,” Economic Affairs, 2011, 31(3): 51-53 (with N. Snow)

The Political Economy of the Creeping Militarization of U.S. Foreign Policy,” Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 2011, 17(1).

The Debt-Inflation Cycle and the Global Financial Crisis,” Global Policy, 2011, 2(2): 184-189  (with P. Boettke)

Rituals: An Economic Interpretation,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2011, 78: 74-84. (with R. Mathers)

The Non-Productive Entrepreneurial Process,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2010, 23(4): 333-346. (with R. Sobel and J. Dove)

“Making Economics a Transformative Experience,” The Journal of Private Enterprise, 2010, 26(1): 57-65..

Entrepreneurship and the Taste for Discrimination,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2010, 20(4): 609-627. (with J. Isaacs and J. Schwartz)

Asset Values and the Sustainability of Peace Prospects,” The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2010, 50(2): 146-156. (with G. Dempster and J. Isaacs)

“Comment on Hanssen and Meehan, 'Who Integrated Major League Baseball Faster Winning Teams or Losing Teams?',” Journal of Sports Economics, 2010, 11(2): 227-231. (with J. Isaacs and J. Schwartz)

The Fatal Conceit of Foreign Intervention,” Advances in Austrian Economics, 2010, 14: 227-252. (with R. Mathers)

Takings,” Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy, 2010, 8(2): 327-338. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson) 

The Problem of Credible Commitment in Reconstruction,” Journal of Institutional Economics, 2009, 5(1): 1-23. (with P. Boettke)

The Importance of Expectations in Economic Development,” Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations, 2009, 1: 63-82.

Media as a Mechanism of Institutional Change and Reinforcement,” Kyklos, 2009, 62(1): 1-14. (with P. Leeson)

The Politics and Economics of Global Interventionism,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2009, 22(2): 181-191.

With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies? Aiding the World's Worst Dictators,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2009, 14(1): 26-44. (with M. Ryan)

Best Case, Worst Case and the Golden Mean in Political Economy: An Introduction to a symposium on Tim Besley’s Principled Agents? The Political Economy of Good Government,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2009, 22(2): 123-125. (with P. Boettke)

Government Intervention and the Structure of Social Capital,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2008, 21(2/3): 209-218. (with A. Carilli and P. Leeson)

The Continuing Relevance of F.A. Hayek’s Political Economy,” Advances in Austrian Economics, 2008, 11: 79-98. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson).

The Politics of Bureaucracy and the Failure of Post-War Reconstruction,” Public Choice, 2008, 135: 11-22.

How Do Rulers Choose? Dual Domains of Discretion in Political Decision Making,” Journal of Economic Issues, 2008, XXLII (3): 727-743. (with P. Leeson)

Institutional Stickiness and the New Development Economics,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2008, 67(2): 331-358. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson)

The Political Economy of FEMA: Did Reorganization Matter?” Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, 2007, 17(2-3): 49-65. (with R. Sobel and P. Leeson)

The Reformers’ Dilemma: Media, Policy Ownership and Reform,” European Journal of Law and Economics, 2007, 23: 237-250. (with P. Leeson)

Saving Government Failure Theory from Itself: Recasting Political Economy from an Austrian Perspective,” Constitutional Political Economy, 2007, 18(2): 127-143. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson)

Put Me in Coach, I'm Ready to Play,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2007, 20(4): 237-246. (with J. Isaacs, J. Schwartz and A. Carilli)

Nineteen Public Bads of Empire, Nation Building, and the Like,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2007, 12(2): 129-132. (with S. Davies)

Deconstructing Reconstruction: The Overlooked Challenges of Military Occupation,” The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 2007, 2(2): 76-82.

Reconstruction and Reconciliation: What's Economics Got to Do With It?” Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, 2007, Winter/Spring: 69-84.

Empire: Public Goods and Bads,” Econ Journal Watch, 2007, 4(1): 3-45. (with S. Davies)

The Political Economy of Forgiveness,” Society, 2007, 44(2): 53-59. (with P. Boettke)

Liberalism in the Post-9/11 World,” Indian Journal of Economics & Business, 2007, Special Issue, 35-53. (with P. Boettke)

Culture, Common Knowledge and Post-Conflict Reconstruction,” Journal of Intercultural Communication, 2007, 13.

Where Economics And Philosophy Meet,” Economic Journal, 2006, 116(512): F306-F325. (with P. Boettke, J. Davis, F. Guala, A. Marciano, J. Runde and M. Schabas)

Reconstructing Weak and Failed States:  Foreign Intervention and the Nirvana Fallacy,” Foreign Policy Analysis, 2006, 2: 343-361.

Reconstructing Weak and Failed States:  Insights from Tocqueville,” The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 2006, 31(2): 143-162.

Converting Social Conflict: Focal Points and the Evolution of Social Cooperation,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2006, 19(2/3): 137-147. (with P. Leeson and P. Boettke)

Does the Market Self-Correct? Asymmetrical Adjustment and the Structure of Economic Error,” Review of Political Economy, 2006, 18(1): 79-90. (with P. Leeson and P. Boettke)

The Role of the Economist in Economic Development,” The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 2006, 19(2): 47-68. (with P. Boettke)

High Priests and Lowly Philosophers: The Battle for the Soul of Economics,” Case Western Reserve Law Review, 2006, 56(3): 551-568. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson)

Translated and reprinted as "Sacerdotes Supremos Y Filosofos Humildes: LaBatalla Por El Alma De La Economia," in Revista de Economía y            Derecho (Journal of Law and Economics), N°10, OTOÑO 2006.

Methodological Individualism, Spontaneous Order and the Research Program of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2005, 57: 145-158. (with P. Boettke)

Who’s to Protect Cyberspace?” Journal of Law, Economics and Policy, 2005, 1(2): 473-495. (with P. Leeson)

The Economics of Computer Hacking,” Journal of Law, Economics and Policy, 2005, 1(2): 511-532. (with P. Leeson)

Manipulating the Media,” Institutions and Economic Development,  2005, 1-2: 67-92. (with P. Leeson)

Institutions, Immigration and Identity,” NYU Journal of Law and Liberty, 2005 1(3): 131-154. (with P. Boettke) 

The New Comparative Political Economy,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2005, 18(3/4): 281-304. (with P. Boettke, P. Leeson, and F. Sautet).

The Institutional Prerequisites for Post-Conflict Reconstruction,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2005, 18(3/4): 325-342.

Postwar Reconstruction: Some Insights from Public Choice and Institutional Economics,” Constitutional Political Economy, 2005, 16: 31-48. (with T. Cowen)

The Many Faces of the Market,” Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, 2004, 14(2): 71-86. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson)

The Plight of Underdeveloped Countries,” Cato Journal, 2004, 24(3): 235-249. (With P. Leeson)

Read All About It! Understanding the Role of Media in Economic Development,” Kyklos, 2004, 57: 21-44. (with P. Leeson)

The Forgotten Contribution: Murray Rothbard on Socialism in Theory and Practice,” The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, 2004, 7(2): 71-89. (with P. Boettke)

Knowledge, Economics and Coordination: Understanding Hayek’s Legal Theory," NYU Journal of Law and Liberty, 2004, 1: 209-224. (with S. Beaulier and P. Boettke)

Entrepreneurship and Development: Cause or Consequence? Advances in Austrian Economics, 2003, 6: 67-88. (with P. Boettke)

Do Pessimistic Assumptions About Human Behavior Justify Government? The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Fall 2003, 17 no. 4: 1-23. (with B. Powell)

Man as Machine: The Plight of 20th Century Economics,” Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought, June 2003, 43: 1-10. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson)

Order in the Jungle: Social Interaction without the State,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, Spring 2003, 7(4): 557 - 566.

Reprinted in Edward Stringham, ed., Anarchy, State, and Public Choice,

Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005, pp. 49-59.

 Contributions to Books

Foreign Policy, Defense, and War,” In Richard Epstein, Mario Rizzo, and Liya Palagashvili, eds. Routledge Handbook on Classical Liberalism (Routledge), forthcoming. (with M. Owens)

Interstate Federalism: Challenges from the History of Classical Liberalism,” In Brandon Christensen, ed. Global Federalism: Liberty and Security in an Anarchical World, Volume II: Exit – Secession, Non-Westphalian Sovereignties, and Interstate Federalism (Palgrave Macmillan), forthcoming. (with M. Owens)

Knowledge and Power: Hayek’s Dual Problems with Planning,” In Rosolino Candela, ed. A Companion to Friedrich von Hayek (Universidad Francisco Maroquin), forthcoming. (with B. Carson)

Exchange in Politics and Economics,” In Carroll Ríos de Rodríguez and Andrés Marroquín, eds. A Companion to James Buchanan (Universidad Francisco Maroquin), forthcoming. (with R. Coyne)

You Can’t Develop What You Don’t Know: The Realities and Limitations of Foreign Aid Missions,” In Magnus Henrekson, Christian Sandström, Mikael Stenkula, eds. Moonshots and the New Industrial Policy: Questioning the Mission Economy (Springer), 2024, pp. 191-212. (with K. Waldron)

Unintended Consequences,” In Nathalie Burre and Francesco Di Iorio, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Methodological Individualism, Volume II (Palgrave Macmillan), 2023, pp. 271-295. (with K. Lambert)

“The Austrian School in the USA,” In Annette Godart-van der Kroon and Joseph Salerno, eds. The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century (Springer), 2022, 67-83. (with P. Jacobsen)

“Economic Pathologies of the State,” In Gary Chartier and Chad Van Schoelandt, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Anarchy and Anarchist Thought (Routledge), 2021, 247-261. (with N. Goodman)

Nonviolent Action,” In Virgil Storr and Stefanie Haeffele, eds. Bottom-up Responses to Crisis (Palgrave Macmillan Publishers), 2020, pp. 29-56. (with J. Ammons)

“Foreign Intervention,” In Virgil Storr and Stefanie Haeffele, eds. Government Responses to Crisis (Palgrave Macmillan Publishers), 2020, pp. 89-109. (with G. Wood)

“Rent Seeking,” In Alain Marciano and Giovanni Battista Ramello, eds. Encyclopedia of Law and Economics (Springer), 2019. (with G. Wood)

“The Economic Reconstruction of Iraq,” In Joshua C. Hall and Sara Harper, eds. Economic and Political Institutions and Development (Springer), 2019, pp. 21-40. (with R. Coyne)

“Foreign Intervention and Global Public Bads,” In Joshua C. Hall and Sara Harper, eds. Economic and Political Institutions and Development (Springer), 2019, pp. 41-60. (with M. Ryan)

The Unproductive Protective State: The U.S. Defense Sector as a Fiscal Commons,” In Richard E. Wagner, ed. James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy (Palgrave Macmillan Publishers), forthcoming. (with T. Duncan)

The Protective State: A Grave Threat to Liberty,” in Peter J. Boettke and Solomon Stein, eds. Buchanan’s Tensions: Reexamining the Political Economy and Philosophy of James M. Buchanan (Mercatus Center at George Mason University), forthcoming.

“The Law and Economics of Rule Reform,” in Todd Zywicki and Peter J. Boettke, eds., Research Handbook on Austrian Law and Economics (Edward Elgar Publishing), 2017, pp. 92-108.

The Political Economy of Foreign Intervention,” in Peter J. Boettke and Christopher J. Coyne, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Austrian Economics (Oxford University Press), 2015, pp. 678-697. (with T. Duncan)

“Can International Aid Improve Health?,” in Garrett Wallace Brown, Gavin Yamey, and Sarah Wamala, eds., The Handbook on Global Health Policy (Wiley-Blackwell), 2014, pp. 375-392. (with C. Williamson)

“Hayek vs. the Neoclassicists: Lessons from the Socialist Calculation Debate,” in Norman Barry and Roger Garrison, eds., The Elgar Companion to Hayekian Economics (Edward Elgar Publishing), 2014, pp. 278-293. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson)

The Political Economy of War and Peace,” in Michael Reksulak, Laura Razzolini, and William F. Shughart II, eds., The Elgar Companion to Public Choice, 2nd Edition (Edward Elgar Publishing), 2013, pp. 469-493. (with A. Pellillo)

Conflict-Inhibiting Norms,” in Stergios Skaperdas and Michelle Garfinkel, eds., Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Peace and Conflict (Oxford University Press), 2012, pp. 840-860. (with P. Leeson)

“Lessons from Austrian and Public Choice Economics for the Happiness Debate,” in Philip Booth, ed., …and the Pursuit of Happiness (The Institute for Economic Affairs), 2012, pp. 205-221. (with P. Boettke)

“Introduction to The Handbook on the Political Economy of War,” in Christopher J. Coyne and Rachel L. Mathers, eds., The Handbook on the Political Economy of War (Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd.), 2011, pp. 1-12. (with R. Mathers)

How are Institutions Related?” in, James Gwartney and Robert Lawson, Economic Freedom of the World: 2010 Annual Report  (Vancouver: The Fraser Institute), 2010, pp. 163-174. (with R. Sobel).

Somalia: Understanding the Feasible Institutions,” in Somalia: Economic, Political and Social Issues (Nova Publishers), Elias P. Hoffmann ed., 2010, pp. 61-67. (with P. Leeson)

“Land Grab: Takings, the Market Process, and Regime Uncertainty,” in Property Wrongs: The Law and Economics of Takings (Palgrave Macmillan), Bruce Benson, ed., 2010, pp. 173-186. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson)

“Economics as the Study of Coordination and Exchange” in Handbook of Austrian Economics (Edward Elgar Publishing), Peter J. Boettke, ed., 2010, pp. 14-29.

“An Entrepreneurial Theory of Social and Cultural Change,” in Markets and Civil Society, (Berghahn Books), Víctor Pérez-Díaz, ed., 2009, pp. 77-103. (with P. Boettke)

“The Political Economy of the Philanthropic Enterprise,” in Non-market Entrepreneurship: Interdisciplinary Approaches (Edward Elgar Publishing), Gordon Shockley, Peter Frank and Roger Stough, eds., 2008. pp. 71-88. (with P. Boettke)

“Entrepreneurship or Entremanureship? Digging through Romania's Institutional Environment for Transition Lessons,” in Making Poor Nations Rich: Entrepreneurship and the Process of Development (Stanford University Press), Benjamin Powell, ed., 2008, pp. 223-249. (with P. Boettke and P. Leeson)

“Happiness and Economics Research: Insights from Austrian and Public Choice Economics,” in Happiness and Public Policy: Theory, Case Studies, and Implications, (Palgrave Macmillan), Yew-Kwang Ng and Lok-Sang Ho, eds., 2006, pp. 89-105. (with P. Boettke)

“Entrepreneurial Behavior and Institutions,” in The Entrepreneurial Process, Volume 1. Praeger Perspectives Series. (Praeger Press), Maria Minniti, ed., 2006, pp. 119-134. (with P. Boettke)

“Concerting Entrepreneurship: An International Public Good,” in European-American Trade and Financial Alliances, (Edward Elgar Publishing), Gavin Boyd, Alan M. Rugman and Pier Carlo Padoan, eds., 2005, pp. 199-226. (with P. Boettke)

James M. Buchanan (1919-),” in Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers (Thoemmes Press), James R. Shook, General Editor, 2005, pp. 373-377. (with P. Boettke)

Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992),” in Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers (Thoemmes Press), James R. Shook, General Editor, 2005, pp. 1075-1077. (with P. Boettke)

Frank H. Knight (1885-1972),” in Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers (Thoemmes Press), James R. Shook, General Editor, 2005, pp. 1322-1325. (with P. Boettke)

“Swedish Influences, Austrian Advances: The Contributions of the Swedish and Austrian Schools to Market Process Theory,” in The Evolution of the Market Process: Austrian and Swedish Economics (Routledge Publishing), Michel Bellet, Sandye Gloria-Palermo and Abdallah Zouache, (Eds.), 2004, pp. 20-31. (with P. Boettke)


Book Reviews

Review of Bruce Caldwell and Hanjoerd Klausinger, Hayek: A Life, 1899-1950, History of Economic Ideas, 2023, 31(3): 194-196.

Review of Ted Galen Carpenter, Unreliable Watchdog: The News Media and U.S. Foreign Policy, The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2023, 28(1).

Review of Joseph O. Chapa, Is Remote Warfare Moral? Weighing Issues of Life and Death from 7,000 MilesThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2023, 28(1).

Review of Nicholas Mulder, The Economic Weapon: The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War, The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2023, 27(4).

Review of Christopher Blattman, Why We Fight: The Roots of War and the Paths to PeaceThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2022/23, 27(3).

Review of Elbridge A. Colby, The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power ConflictThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2022, 27(1).

Review of John Mueller, The Stupidity of War: American Foreign Policy and the Case for ComplacencyThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2021/2022, 26(3).

Review of Daniel A. Sjursen, Patriotic Dissent: America in the Age of Endless WarThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 26(2).

Review of Séverine Autesserre, The Frontlines of Peace: An Insider’s Guide to Changing the WorldThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 26(2).

Review of Ned Dobos, Ethics, Security, and The War-Machine: The Trust Cost of the MilitaryThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 26(1).

Review of Jason Brennan, Why It’s OK to Want to be RichThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 25(4).

Review of Janek Wasserman, The Marginal Revolutionaries: How Austrian Economists Fought the War of IdeasBusiness History Review, 2020, 94(4): 867-869.

Review of Sarah E. Igo, The Known Citizen: A History of Privacy in Modern AmericaThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2020, 25(1).

Review of Michael Beschloss, Presidents of War: The Epic Story, From 1807 to Modern TimesThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2019, 24(1).

Review of Ted Galen Carpenter, Gullible Superpower: U.S. Support for Bogus Foreign Democratic MovementsThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2019, 23(4).

Review of Daniel Ellsberg, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War PlannerThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2019, 23(4).

Review of Alfred McCoy, In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline Of US Global PowerThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 23(2).

Review of Eliot A. Cohen, The Big Stick: The Limits of Soft Power and the Necessity of Military Force & Robet D. Blackwill and Jennifer M. Harris, War By Other Means: Geoeconomics and StatecraftThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 22(3): 467-475.

Review of Kevin M. Morrison, Nontaxation and Representation: The Fiscal Foundations of Political StabilityPerspectives on Politics, 2017, 15(4): 1175-76.

Review of Jennifer Stisa Granick, American Spies: Modern Surveillance, Why You Should Care, and What to Do About It & Barry Friedman, Unwarranted: Policing Without PermissionThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2017, 22(2).

Review of John Nixon, Debreifing the President: The Interrogation of Saddam HusseinThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2017, 21(4).

Review of Randall G. Holcombe, Advanced Introduction to Public ChoicePublic Choice, 2017, 171(1): 243-4.

“The Militarization of Policing and the Future of U.S. Politics,” a review of Radley Balko, Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police ForcePerspectives on Politics, 2015, 13(3): 778-781.

Review of Jonathan A. Caverley, Democratic Militarism: Voting, Wealth, and War, H-Diplo & the International Security Studies Forum Roundtable, 2015.

Review of Michael J. Glennon, National Security and Double GovernmentPublic Choice, 2015, 163(3-4): 393-396.

Review of Antonio Donini (ed.), The Golden Fleece: Manipulation and Independence in Humanitarian ActionInternational Studies Review, 2015, 17(1): 160-161.

Review of Benjamin Powell, Out of Poverty: Sweatshops in the Global EconomyPublic Choice, 162(3): 463-465.

Review of Enrico Colombatto, Markets, Morals and Policy-Making: A New Defence of Free-Market EconomicsThe Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2013, 17(4): 593-596.

Review of Cedric Johnson (ed.), The Neoliberal Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, Late Capitalism, and the Remaking of New Orleans, contribution to the symposium on Privatization, Marketization, and Neoliberalism—The Political Dynamics of Post Katrina New Orleans,Perspectives on Politics, 2012, 10(3): 713-715.  

Review of James Scott, The Art of Not Being GovernedConversations in Philanthropy, 2010, 7: 83-86.

Review of Graciana Del Castillo, Rebuilding War-Torn States: The Challenge of Post-Conflict Economic ReconstructionPerspectives on Politics, 2010, 8: 302-307. 

         • Commissioned as part of the “Critical Exchange” series.  

Review of Peter Leeson, The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of PiratesGlobal Crime, 2010, 11(1): 67-71.

Review of Ashraf Ghani and Clare Lockhart, Fixing Failed States: A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured WorldElectronic Journal of Sustainable Development, 2009, 1(3): 29-31.

Review of Albert Breton, Gianluigi Galeotti, Pierre Salmon, and Ronald Wintrobe, eds., The Economics of Transparency in PoliticsPublic Choice, 2009, 138(1/2): 259-261.

Review of Paul Collier, The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About ItEconomic Affairs, 2008, 28(1): 82-83.

Review of Adrian Vermeule, Mechanisms of Democracy: Institutional Design Writ SmallPublic Choice, 2008, 136(1-2): 241-244.

Review of David Robertson, International Economics and Confusing PoliticsEconomic Affairs, 2007, 27(4): 93-94.

Review of Virgil Henry Storr, Enterprising Slaves & Master Pirates: Understanding Economic Life in the BahamasThe Review of Austrian Economics, 2007, 29(2/3): 205-208.

Review of David Harper, Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Economic DevelopmentThe Review of Austrian Economics, 2005, 18(2): 219-221.

Review of Francis Fukuyama, State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st CenturyAmerican Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2004, 63(4): 951-953.

Review of Gregg Easterbrook, The Progress Paradox, Humane Studies Review, June 2004.

Other Papers and Writings

1.Policy Papers

Four Decades and Counting: The Continued Failure of the War on Drugs,” Cato Institute, Policy Analysis No. 811, 2017, (with A. Hall)

The Impact of FEMA Reorganization: Implications for Policy,” Mercatus Policy Series, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, February 2009, (with P. Leeson and R. Sobel)

Exiting Iraq: The Economic Reasoning,” Global Studies Bulletin, Center for Global Studies, George Mason University, Fall 2005, p. 4.

The Role of Media as a Supporting Institution: Implications for Development,” Mercatus Policy Series, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, June 2005.

​“The Art of Democratic Warmaking: A Recipe,” The Beacon 2024. (with A. Hall)

In the fog of forever war, the US no longer recognizes alternatives,” The Hill 2024. (with A. Hall)

9/11 militarized law enforcement and made every American a suspect,” Responsible Statecraft 2021. (with A. Hall)

Introduction: Symposium on the War on Terror at Twenty,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 26(2): 165-172.

Virus and Leviathan: Symposium on Public Health and Policy in a Free Society,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 25(4): 485-487.

Introduction: Symposium on Polycentric Systems in a Free Society,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2020, 25(2): 229-233.

Introduction: Symposium on Drones,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 23(1): 5-7.

Fads and Fallacies: Can Behavioural Economics Really Justify Government Intervention?,” EA, Spring 2017, pp. 26-29. (with R. Coyne)

Against Militarism,” Mont Pelerin Society Annual Meeting 2016, Miami, FL.

Introduction: Symposium on Foreign Policy,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2016, 21(2): 165-6.

Fads and Fallacies: Can Capitalism Be Green?,” EA, Autumn 2016, pp. 25-28. (with R. Coyne)

Fads and Fallacies: Regulations Serve the Public Interest,” EA, Spring 2016, pp. 11-13. (with R. Coyne)

Fads and Fallacies: California is Running Out of Water,” EA, Autumn 2015, pp. 38-40. (with R. Coyne)

Fads and Fallacies: Advertising is Manipulative and Harmful,” EA, Spring 2015, pp. 38-40. (with R. Coyne)

Introduction: Symposium on James M. Buchanan and Classical Liberalism,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 2014, 18(3): 325-330.

Fads and Fallacies: Politics is Free From Competition, Greed, and Self-interest,” EA, Fall 2014, pp. 24-25. (with R. Coyne)

Foreign Intervention: A Case for Humility,” Dinner Address to the IHS Board of Directors, September 25, 2014.

Fads and Fallacies: Price Controls Improve Well Being,” EA, Spring 2014, pp. 4-6. (with R. Coyne)

Fads and Fallacies: Foreign Aid is the Key to Well-Being,” EA, Autumn 2013, pp. 23-25. (with R. Coyne)

Defending the Charitable Status Quo?,” Philanthropy Daily, August 6, 2013. (with L. Ealy and V. Storr)

Why State-led Humanitarian Action Fails,” Beneficence, 2013, 2: pp. 1-6.

Fads and Fallacies: Government Can Make Us Happy,” EA, Summer 2013, pp. 8-9. (with R. Coyne)

The Rights of the Wealthy,” Forum on “What Are Foundations For?,” Boston Review, March/April 2013, pp. 17-18.

“Best Case, Worst Case and the Golden Mean in Political Economy: An Introduction to a symposium on Tim Besley’s Principled Agents? The Political Economy of Good Government,” The Review of Austrian Economics, 2009, 22(2): 123-125 (with P. Boettke)

Unintended Consequences: How Regulation Changes Behavior,” Fraiser Forum, July, 2009, pp., 16-17.

2. Newspaper Op-Eds

Killer Robots: Another example of war coming home to you,” Responsible Statecraft, December 2022 (with A. Hall)

Reagan Was Right: Big Government Corrupts the Military Too,” The National Interest, September 2022

Pelosi's Taiwan Trip Heightens the US-China Perceptual Dilemma,” The Hill, August 2022

No, you don't need to fear 'big grocery',” Daily News, February 2022

The domestic legacy of our globacl war on terror,” The Hill, September 2021

Political peace starts with everday interactions,” The Hill, January 2021

Why helping neighbors in need is as important for America as voting,” USA Today, October 2020

“When the line between police and military blurs, you get the Stephon Clark tragedy,” USA Today, April 2018 (with A. Hall)

“A Trumped-up drone program,” ArcaMax, October 2017 (with A. Hall)

“How U.S. Police Came to Look Like Soldiers,” multiple outlets listed here, May 2015 (with A. Hall)

“Tax Breaks to Big Business Are a Loser,” The Seattle Times, May 22, 2014 (with L. Moberg)

“Eminent Domain: Measure Would Strengthen Property Rights,” Richmond Times Dispatch, August 19, 2012 (with A. Hall)

“Good” Profits and “Bad” Profits Defined,” The Washington Examiner, March 16, 2012 (with A. Hall)

“Crisis and the Creeping Militarization of American Society,” The Daily Caller, February 20, 2012 (with A. Hall)

“Government Taking Away Our Economic Freedom,” South Florida Sun Sentinel,  January 18, 2012 (wtih A. Hall)

“Governments Ring in New Year with Less Economic Freedom,” Richmond Times Dispatch, January 14, 2012 (with A. Hall)

“Ringing in 2012 with 40,000 New Laws,” Tampa Tribune, January 18, 2012 (with A. Hall) 

“Governments Ring in New Year with 40,000 New Laws!” De Moines Register, January 19, 2012 (with A. Hall)

“To Survive, Post Office Must Innovate,” Providence Journal, December 19,2011 (with A. Hall)

“Be Thankful for the Makers,” Richmond Times Dispatch, November 24, 2011 (with A. Hall)